Friday, November 6, 2009

There is always the breakfasts

A friend and fellow triathlete has been forced to scrap her plans of competing in Busselton. Chest pains and heart issues ... Yet another reminder that I should be grateful for a body who puts up with all of this.
If you are not a professional athlete, training for - and racing - Ironman will be a test to your body as well as your mind. Training sensible - yet hard (preferably with some advice from a coach), eating well, sleeping well, staying safe on the road and in the water ... Trying not to completely shut down other aspects in life such as work and social life!

At least I get to spend time with my partner during many of the hours of training. When he is allowing himself to drop down to my speed that is ... And all the little the pre and post training moments too of course. Rumbling through the apartment at 5. 15 am to get to the bunch ride on time, zipping up the wetsuit assuring each other that the sharks are elsewhere today, the breakfasts and coffees after training - with the bunch, the squad or just the two of us.

Oh how I love the breakfasts!

If it wasn't for the very clear goal I don't think I would have planned my weekend as I have. Six hours ride on Saturday and 2:45 run on Sunday. I admit I feel slightly tired just thinking about it.
Hopefully I will feel very satisfied Sunday evening as we head north for Sydney. It's just for one night but sometimes it is good with even a short brake. Think I will have a long brunch and maybe a short swim with a friend on Monday. Or just go to the beach.

1 comment:

  1. Ja, vi tänker ofta på dig här hemma och det är extra roligt att lägga upp bilder så ni kan följa oss och "vara med" på alla grejer ändå :)
    Samma som vi följer er Ironman-träning (om än med lite andnöd ibland).

    Klart vi har ett gästrum, kanske vi även fått klart gäststugan tills dess :)

