Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Why a helmet is such a good thing to wear

It happens so fast. All off a sudden the air in front of me was full of people and bikes.
As in slow motion I followed the flight of the guy in front of me, his front wheel hitting the bike of the guy already scraping along the asphalt in front of him, propelling him up in the air. The take off might have been rough but the landing reminded me of how the last Concorde set down just outside Paris in 2000. I can only describe it as a full asphalt face plant, as gravity reminded him of it's sometimes devastating powers.

It was a large bunch riding this morning and one (quite large) bump in the road managed to take out six of us. Only two had to wait for the ambulance though.
I completely missed what I was later told was a quite spectacular flight performed by my friend Pete. He somehow managed to fly clear across the small concrete wall on the side of the road (bike and all!) landing somewhat softer on the grass on the other side, with just a scratch large as a dollar coin on the arm and a small tear in the nicks to show for it.

The guy landing on his face on the road is hopefully ok. He didn't seem to have any broken bones but after he asked me the fifth time what happened and he was wasn't able to answer the question "where do you live?", he stopped repeating that he was alright ... I gave his helmet to the paramedics. I think he needs to get a new one, this one deserves retirement.

And surely, sitting in the ambulance, the guy was more concerned about who would take his bike (after we assured him the bike was ok) than how much time he might have to spend at the dentists office (or the fact that his brain had quite a bounce around).

Lesson learned? Try to keep your eyes on what's going on in front of you, hang on to your handle bar even if the road tries to jerk you around and keep that helmet strapped on tight.


  1. Sorry to hear about Nicos knee! But good thing its not worse and I hope he will rehabilitate as he should be.

    Scary about the bikecrash - I know I shouldnt be glad, but Im glad it wasnt one of you guys.

    Keep your helmet on!

    Lots of hugs from sweden (a big one for Nico and his knee..I guess he is really bummed out now)

  2. A bit bummed but set on becoming one hell of a rider during the time the knees heal.

    Helmet stays on, maybe even a bit tighter than before ...

    BIG hugs back!

  3. I had a little flight of my own in the woods last night when bikejoring with the dog. We came to close to my friends rearwheel and when I hit the brakes nothing happened, they were jammed with dirt. Simultaneously, my front wheel hit a rock ( it was dark, and we forgot to bring lights, ok? )and I found myself flying left out in the woods. Landed on the only soft spot around and was ok. Lights and brakes are pretty handy stuff!

  4. Hope that soft spot wasn't your dog.
